Hacking of the National Institute of Epidemiology and Musings on Hacktivism

Yesterday, my friend and medical blogging maestro, SoumyadeepB brought this to my notice: National Institute of #Epidemiology, #India hacked .. @scepticemia might interest you pic.twitter.com/Zm3Uc55yon — Soumyadeep Bhaumik (@DrSoumyadeepB) January 27, 2014 So, apparently, the National Institute of Epidemiology got hacked by a member identified as what I think reads as Haxorioux Mind who apparently belongs to a high-profile group of hackers called Team Madleets. … Continue reading Hacking of the National Institute of Epidemiology and Musings on Hacktivism

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My “Kunwar Amar Fiasco” and Republic Day Reflections

I have been debating whether or not I should write this post, but eventually I decided to go ahead with it. There is no point in holding back on one’s opinions, right? So, before I start off, Happy Republic Day, India; how’re you feeling? This post reflects on a back-and-forth I got into with the fan club of a reality TV dance star on Twitter, … Continue reading My “Kunwar Amar Fiasco” and Republic Day Reflections

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The Death of a Disease: India Eradicates Polio

Today (13th January, 2014) is a landmark day in the history of public health in India. It is exactly three years since the last Polio case was detected in India. Ruksha Shah, from the Subharara village in the Panchla block of District Howrah, West Bengal was the last recorded case of Polio in India. India has traditionally been a difficult country to eradicate polio from. … Continue reading The Death of a Disease: India Eradicates Polio

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