The King’s Speech

Colin Firth’s speech for being adjudged the Best Actor this time around at the Academy Awards for, guess what, The King’s Speech. Here’s a dash of the man and his words:

4 thoughts on “The King’s Speech

  1. I love Colin Firth. I have since I saw him in the coming of age movie Circle of Friends. I have not yet seen The King’s Speech yet but I have heard it is wonderful Did you see The Single Man? That was also very very good and he should have won for that one last year.


    1. The problem is that the movies do not always release on the same time in my town. For example, The King’s Speech is yet to come out in my city. So though I wanted to see The Single Man, when it came out (eventually) I could not manage any time, and haven’t seen it subsequently either.


    2. Disagree with the above. Single Man was good, but A Serious Man deserved to win. Coen brothers at their finest.


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