House MD: You Can’t Keep Him Away!

While I was away enjoying my well earned break from civilization, House MD’s season 8 has premiered. And tonight, they will be showing the second episode too! So, remember what happened at the end of last season? House drove into Lisa Cuddy’s house and fled the country to go to some tropical island. And what do you do for such an act? Go to prison: … Continue reading House MD: You Can’t Keep Him Away!

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House M.D. Plot: 1.02 Paternity

The next episode happens to be one of my favorites because this is one of the few cases where House’s flights of diagnostic fancy is actually comprehensible to my mere intelligence. Also, there is this one thing I have to ask: in diagnosing SSPE, can we take a trans-pupillary retinal biopsy by poking in through the eye? My normal medical curriculum never taught me anything … Continue reading House M.D. Plot: 1.02 Paternity

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